We are now going to start creating our resources through our serverless.yml. Starting with DynamoDB.

Create the Resource

Add the following to resources/dynamodb-table.yml.

    Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
      TableName: ${self:custom.tableName}
        - AttributeName: userId
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: noteId
          AttributeType: S
        - AttributeName: userId
          KeyType: HASH
        - AttributeName: noteId
          KeyType: RANGE
      # Set the capacity to auto-scale
      BillingMode: PAY_PER_REQUEST

Let’s quickly go over what we are doing here.

  1. We are describing a DynamoDB table resource called NotesTable.

  2. We get the table name from the custom variable ${self:custom.tableName}. This is generated dynamically in our serverless.yml. We will look at this in detail below.

  3. We are also configuring the two attributes of our table as userId and noteIdand specifying them as our primary key.

  4. Finally, we are provisioning the read/write capacity for our table through a couple of custom variables as well. We will be defining this shortly.

Add the Resource

Now let’s add a reference to this resource in our project.

Replace the resources: block at the bottom of our serverless.yml with the following:

# Create our resources with separate CloudFormation templates
  # API Gateway Errors
  - ${file(resources/api-gateway-errors.yml)}
  # DynamoDB
  - ${file(resources/dynamodb-table.yml)}

Add the following custom: block at the top of our serverless.yml above the provider: block.

  # Our stage is based on what is passed in when running serverless
  # commands. Or fallsback to what we have set in the provider section.
  stage: ${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}
  # Set the table name here so we can use it while testing locally
  tableName: ${self:custom.stage}-notes

We added a couple of things here that are worth spending some time on:

  • We first create a custom variable called stage. You might be wondering why we need a custom variable for this when we already have stage: dev in the provider: block. This is because we want to set the current stage of our project based on what is set through the serverless deploy --stage $STAGE command. And if a stage is not set when we deploy, we want to fallback to the one we have set in the provider block. So ${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}, is telling Serverless to first look for the opt:stage (the one passed in through the command line), and then fallback to self:provider.stage (the one in the provider block.

  • The table name is based on the stage we are deploying to - ${self:custom.stage}-notes. The reason this is dynamically set is because we want to create a separate table when we deploy to a new stage (environment). So when we deploy to dev we will create a DynamoDB table called dev-notes and when we deploy to prod, it’ll be called prod-notes. This allows us to clearly separate the resources (and data) we use in our various environments.

  • Finally, we are using the PAY_PER_REQUEST setting for the BillingMode. This tells DynamoDB that we want to pay per request and use the On-Demand Capacity option. With DynamoDB in On-Demand mode, our database is now truly Serverless. This option can be very cost-effective, especially if you are just starting out and your workloads are not very predictable or stable. On the other hand, if you know exactly how much capacity you need, the Provisioned Capacity mode would work out to be cheaper.

A lot of the above might sound tricky and overly complicated right now. But we are setting it up so that we can automate and replicate our entire setup with ease. Note that, Serverless Framework (and CloudFormation behind the scenes) will be completely managing our resources based on the serverless.yml. This means that if you have a typo in your table name, the old table will be removed and a new one will be created in place. To prevent accidentally deleting serverless resources (like DynamoDB tables), you need to set the DeletionPolicy: Retain flag. We have a detailed post on this over on the Seed blog.

We are also going to make a quick tweak to reference the DynamoDB resource that we are creating.

Update our environment variables with the new generated table name. Replace the environment: block with the following:

  # These environment variables are made available to our functions
  # under process.env.
    tableName: ${self:custom.tableName}
    stripeSecretKey: ${env:STRIPE_SECRET_KEY}

Replace the iamRoleStatements: block in your serverless.yml with the following.

    - Effect: Allow
        - dynamodb:DescribeTable
        - dynamodb:Query
        - dynamodb:Scan
        - dynamodb:GetItem
        - dynamodb:PutItem
        - dynamodb:UpdateItem
        - dynamodb:DeleteItem
      # Restrict our IAM role permissions to
      # the specific table for the stage
        - "Fn::GetAtt": [ NotesTable, Arn ]

Make sure to copy the indentation properly. These two blocks fall under the provider block and need to be indented as such.

A couple of interesting things we are doing here:

  1. The environment: block here is basically telling Serverless Framework to make the variables available as process.env in our Lambda functions. For example, process.env.tableName would be set to the DynamoDB table name for this stage. We will need this later when we are connecting to our database.

  2. For the tableName specifically, we are getting it by referencing our custom variable from above.

  3. For the case of our iamRoleStatements: we are now specifically stating which table we want to connect to. This block is telling AWS that these are the only resources that our Lambda functions have access to.

Next, let’s add our S3 bucket for file uploads.